How Likely are You to Get Cavities? | Dr. Bilski | independence, OhioHow Likely are You to Get

As dentists, we fight two major issues: cavities and gum disease.
Today we are going to talk about how we help you fight cavities and how
susceptible you are to cavities.

Everyone is different, especially when it comes to their oral
anatomy. Because of this, we all have different risk factors when it comes to
oral issues such as cavities. In order to determine how likely you are to get
cavities, we so what is called a “caries risk

Cavity Risk Assessment

This assessment ranks you either low, moderate, high, or extreme
risk for cavities, and depending on your risk rate; we can help you devise a
plan to help you prevent getting cavities.

This assessment is a new protocol developed in 2016 that dictates
when you come in for your regular visits, or if you are a new patient, we
assess you, so we know your baseline risk.

Low Cavity Risk

If you have never had a cavity, your x-rays look good, and you
practice excellent dental hygiene, then you are most likely low risk for

Moderate Cavity Risk

If you have had a few fillings and we can see the potential for
new cavities during the exam, and in the x-ray, you are moderate

High to Extreme Cavity Risk

If you have had multiple fillings, you are missing a tooth, have
had root canal or infections, you have diabetes, you are over the age of 70,
you will be at high to extreme risk.

 Cavity Risk Treatment

The good news is that we can develop of plan for you depending on
your cavity risk baseline. Usually, for moderate and up, we recommend a
nightly prescribed fluoride toothpaste, which is covered under your
insurance, if you have it. We also recommend a fluoride mouthwash rinse for
20 seconds every morning for one week per month.

In addition, we will also recommend that you visit us for regular
cleanings more frequently, every three months, so that we can keep your teeth
clean and reduce your risk of cavities.

Contact Us

Whether you are a new patient or an existing patient, we will
assess your risk for cavities and help you create a plan to keep those
cavities away! Contact us today to schedule your assessment and keep your
teeth happy and healthy!

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