Digital dentistry has expedited dental services and dental treatments
exponentially. Digital dentistry is in comparison, or possibly contrasting,
to analog dentistry. Gone are the days when we would need to take molds of
your mouth through various procedures that would take anywhere
from a few days to a few weeks. This process would also need laboratory work,
which could take a very long time to receive your dentures, crowns, or
partial bridge implants.

What Is Digital Dentistry?

With digital dentistry, we utilize an x-ray machine to
scan the upper and lower parts of your jaw, essentially your entire mouth.
Through this advancement in digital technology, we can see the complete
inside of your mouth to view all of your teeth.

We can also use analog putty to get a different perspective of
your mouth. We use this technique hand-in-hand with digital dentistry. This
allows us to get accurate and precise imaging of your mouth. We then send it
off to the laboratory for an enhanced 3D printing of your

This process of digital dentistry cuts down the wait time for
appointments drastically. It permits us to get you in and out of our office
quicker. Digital dentistry allows us to have real-time images and better
conduct our procedures through a process that takes anywhere from 90 minutes
to 2 hours at most.

Discover More Information On Digital Dentistry

To learn more about this process and various others offered
through Bilski Dental Group, please explore the rest of the website and get
in touch with questions!

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