affordable dental implants and other dental procedures | Independence, Ohio | Dr. Bilski Affordable Dental Implants
and Other Dental Procedures

As a dentist, something we hear a lot of is how expensive some of
the services can be, especially if the patient doesn’t have dental
insurance and if they are in for a more dramatic procedure. At Bilski Family
Dentistry, we want to make quality dental care affordable and easy for our

Can I Get Dental Implants Only on My Top Teeth?

It happens all the time, patients come in, and they need to get
their teeth fixed, both top and bottom. However, they see how much the bill
is going to be, and they say, “Hey Doc, could I just get the top
teeth done and leave the bottom teeth

When patients suggest something like this, we always ask them,
“Would you go out with one brown shoe and one black shoe?”
The answer is always no. So, then we explain to them why it is important to
take care of all of your teeth.

The Bilski Dental Savings Plan

We understand that sometimes, dental care can be expensive, but it
is important. That is why we offer the Bilski Dental Savings

With the Bilski Dental Saving Plan, you fall into
one of three categories:

  • The Kid’s Plan
  • The Adult Plan
  • The Periodontal Patient Plan

No matter which plan you are under, you get 15% off of all dental
procedures at our office, and that is on top of your regular cleanings.
That’s a great deal, and it can really help you save money when it
comes to getting those pricier procedures. That way, you don’t have
to choose the top or the bottom teeth, you can have it all!

If you want to start saving on your dental health and stop wearing
one black shoe and one brown shoe, contact us at Bilski Family Dentistry. We
can help you figure out which plan you would fall under, and we even offer
free dental insurance evaluations to
see how much you could save by switching to our dental plans!

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