Are you using the right toothbrush for you? | Dr. Bilski | Independence, OhioAre You Using the Right

What kind of toothbrush are you using? Is it the best type of
toothbrush for your teeth, gums, and overall mouth health? Many people don’t
know that the toothbrush they are using could actually be causing problems
like gum loss!

Manual Toothbrushes

If you are using a manual toothbrush, it is important to know that
you are using it in the right ways. A manual toothbrush can be a sufficient
way to keep your teeth and mouth healthy, but it can also be the cause of
some issues such as gum loss.

Brushing too hard with a manual toothbrush can cause your gums to
bleed and recede. Likewise, using a manual toothbrush with bristles that are
hard can also lead to gum loss. That is why you need to use a
toothbrush with soft bristles
if you’re going to be
using a manual toothbrush.

While shopping for a manual toothbrush, it is also important to
make sure you get one with the right amount of rows. For adults, we recommend
a manual toothbrush with three or four rows. The shape does not matter,
though they do come in circles, diamonds, rectangles, and

Electric Toothbrushes

There are also many types of electronic toothbrushes; some are
more advanced than others. Depending on your teeth and gums, one may be
better for you than another. For example, there are electronic toothbrushes
that will turn off if you are brushing too hard. This is good for patients who
have a tendency to brush aggressively.

Another great thing about electric toothbrushes is
that they clean plaque ten times better than manual
Although electric toothbrushes do cost more,
they may end up saving you more money than you would have spent to fill a

If you don’t know which type of toothbrush is best for
you, ask your dentist. We can help you find the right kind, whether manual or
electric, to keep your mouth, teeth, and gums as healthy as

When to Replace Your Toothbrush

The lifespan of a toothbrush depends on the person using it, but
in general, we recommend a new toothbrush every 13 weeks. You can always ask
your dentist for an extra toothbrush during your visits just in

And one more important thing, don’t keep your toothbrush
by your toilet. Every time you flush the toilet, bacteria go into the air and
can land on your toothbrush. Enough said!

If you have any questions about what kind of toothbrush you should
be using or if there is a better way you could be brushing and flossing your
teeth, contact us at Bilski Family Dentistry today!

Are you using the right toothbrush for you? | Dr. Bilski | Independence, Ohio

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