How Are Dental Bridges

Dentistry is all about options- at the Bilski Dental Group, we
focus on educating our patients so they know all of their treatment options
so they can choose the best one for themselves.

When it comes to missing teeth, there are so many different
treatment options to choose from, such as a variety of dental
and a variety of dentures. As dentists, we recommend
dental implants as they offer the most function and long-term solutions.
However, implants can be expensive, so a more affordable alternative solution
is dental bridges.

Permanent Bridges AKA Fixed Partial Dentures

The technology for fixed partial dentures has come a long
way, so we can very easily create your bridge without the old putty and
gagging while getting a mold.

Now we can scan the inside of your mouth with a tiny camera and
send that video to the laboratory that creates the partial denture. They use
CNC machines to produce a very accurate bridge.

Learn More About Fixed Partial Dentures

If you are looking for an affordable alternative to dental implants,
dental bridges might be a good option for you! Contact us at the Bilski
Dental Group to learn more. You can also learn more about our services and
treatment options by watching more videos like this in our video

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