How does dental insurance work | Dr. BilskiHow Does Dental Insurance

At the Bilski Dental Group, our goal is to provide expert dental
care and patient education so that we can help our patients understand the
importance of taking care of their teeth and gums.

One subject that is difficult for many people to understand is
dental insurance. If you have dental insurance, you may be wondering why it
doesn’t work like traditional medical

Typically, dental insurance will cover about $1,500 of a
procedure, and then you pay the rest of whatever that procedure cost. Whereas
medical insurance, you pay a deductible and co-pays, but then, depending on
your coverage, you don’t pay anything else.

Dental Insurance Not Covering Enough?

However, we have found that many people do not go to the dentist
either because they do not have dental insurance, or their dental insurance
doesn’t cover enough. That is why we have implemented the Bilski
Dental Savings plans.

No Dental Insurance?

There are different levels of this plan,
depending on your age and oral health. This is a great way for patients to
save money and still get the dental care that they need. We have even found
that many of our patients who have dental insurance are opting out of that
insurance to get our savings plan because it saves them more money.

Contact Us

If you are curious about how dental insurance works, if you
don’t have dental insurance, or if you want to see what switching to
the Bilski Dental Savings plan could save you, contact us

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