You might have been told you need to get your teeth fixed and
aligned properly. But you also might be wondering which product is best for
you, traditional braces or Invisalign?

The Difference Between The Two

Braces have been around for a long time, since 1669, to be exact.
Invisalign came into the dental world in 1997. Invisalign are clear aligners,
whereas braces are wired with brackets. Braces are traditionally used for
those who require much more aligning. Invisalign is used more on patients who
need some adjustments after they’ve had braces on for

Which Option Is Better?

Bilski Dental Group has seen many patients over the last 15 years,
and in our opinion, it depends on the patient. Invisalign is a good option
for patients who had braces before stopping to wear their retainers,
which is very common, or who never had retainers.

Invisalign Process

If you are a candidate for Invisalign, the process is very
organized. We here at Bilski Dental Group have our very own 3D printing
technology. This allows us to print aligners based on your teeth through 3D
scanning. We then provide you with a treatment plan. Once you have begun your
treatment plan, we provide you with plastic hardliners, which you change
every 2-3 weeks. Then, around six months later, your teeth are nice and

Braces For Certain Patients

As stated above, you have to be a candidate
for getting Invisalign treatment. This depends on your current situation
inside of your mouth. For patients with a crossbite or a snaggletooth
situation, we utilize braces as a better option for their

Find Out Today Which Treatment Is Better For

Suppose you are still deciding on which procedure is best for you.
In that case, Bilski Dental Group is here to answer
all of your burning questions about braces or Invisalign.

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