At Bilski Dental, we understand how disruptive and uncomfortable cold sores can be. That’s why we offer advanced laser treatments designed to significantly accelerate the healing process, allowing you to return to your daily life with minimal disruption.

Fast and Painless Relief from Cold Sores

Cold sores can be painful and embarrassing, especially if you have an important event coming up. Our laser therapy provides a quick and effective solution:

  • Immediate Treatment: As soon as you feel the telltale tingling of a cold sore, contact us. Early treatment is crucial for the best results.
  • Advanced Laser Technology: We utilize state-of-the-art lasers, including CO2 and ND YAG lasers, to target and treat the cold sore directly. This treatment is non-invasive, pain-free, and takes only about a minute.
  • Rapid Healing: Patients typically see significant improvement within 3 to 5 days, compared to the two weeks it might take without treatment.

Why Choose Bilski Dental for Cold Sore Treatment?

  • Accessibility: Treatment is quick and affordable, costing only $50.
  • Comprehensive Care: In addition to immediate relief, we recommend supplementary treatments like abreva and acyclovir tablets to enhance healing.

Stay Informed on the Latest in Laser Dentistry

Bilski Dental is not only a leader in clinical practice but also in dental education. As co-directors of the Midwest Implant Institute, we have direct access to the latest technologies and are among the first in the U.S. to implement new advancements in laser therapy.

Ready to take control of your dental health with the most advanced treatments available? Visit Bilski Dental for your cold sore treatment or any other dental needs. We’re here to provide top-notch care with cutting-edge technology.

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