Why Treat a Painless Infection? | Dr. Bilski | Bilski Dental Group Independence, OhioWhy Treat a Painless

Our goal as dentists is to provide our patients with the best
quality dental care that we can, and that includes taking any preventive measures
that we can to keep your mouth happy and healthy.

It is not unheard of for patients to have a tooth infection that
is painless. Usually, tooth infection will cause discomfort, sensitivity to
hot or cold, sweets, swelling, and more. But sometimes, when we catch an
infection early enough, there is no pain involved…

The Importance of Regular Dental Cleanings

This is just one of the reasons why it is so important to visit
the dentist regularly. We can catch things like this before they become a

When we catch a tooth infection this early, it is important to
treat it a soon as possible. Sometimes this can be done with antibiotics, but
other times it may require a root canal. That is when we start to see
patients ignore the infection.

Often, they are scared of the cost or the actual procedure, or
both. They think that since they are not in pain, then they can live with the
infections. However, if that infection goes untreated, that is when the real
pain comes.

An untreated tooth infection can cause a multitude of adverse
effects such as tooth loss and even spread of the infection to other parts of
your body.

As an example, if your doctor told you that in the next few months
you were going to gain 30 pounds, wouldn’t you do something to
prevent it? The same goes for your tooth infection. If you know you have one
and you don’t do anything about it until it becomes a real problem,
then it is much harder and more expensive to fix.

Contact Us

If you haven’t been to the dentist in a while or if you
are looking for a new dentist, contact us today at the Bilski Dental Group
and keep your teeth healthy and your smile looking beautiful!

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