Aesthetics – Confidence – Health

Gum Lifts

A gum lift, also referred to as gingivectomy or gum contouring, is a precise cosmetic dental procedure designed to sculpt the gum tissue around your teeth. This treatment effectively addresses uneven gum lines, minimizes excessive gum visibility when smiling, and exposes more of your teeth, enhancing the overall proportion and aesthetic appeal of your smile. Additionally, a gum lift can improve the overall health of your gums by removing overhanging areas where bacteria can accumulate, reducing the risk of periodontal issues.

Woman with brown hair smiling

benefits of a gum lift

  • Enhanced Smile Aesthetics Achieve a more balanced and symmetrical smile that highlights your teeth rather than your gums.

  • Increased Confidence Feel more confident in your smile in everyday life.

  • Minimal Recovery Time Due to the use of advanced laser technology, the recovery period is typically short and comfortable, allowing you to return to your daily activities quickly.

Laser Usage

Lasers in dentistry are used for therapeutic purposes, treating conditions like gum disease by targeting bacteria and promoting gum tissue regeneration. They’re also employed in gum reshaping (gum lifting) procedures for aesthetic enhancement, offering precise sculpting of the gum line with minimal discomfort and faster healing compared to traditional methods.

Dentist using a modern diode dental laser

Perfect Your Smile

Gum Lifts

Our experienced team uses state-of-the-art techniques to ensure effective results with maximum comfort. We understand the importance of a beautiful smile and are dedicated to helping you achieve the look you desire.

Perfect Your Smile

Sedation Options

Sedation dentistry at our clinic offers a stress-free dental experience tailored to each patient’s anxiety level and comfort needs. Our diverse sedation options include oral sedation, which uses a simple pill for ease and comfort, IV conscious sedation for a deeper sedation level with rapid onset and amnesic effects, and local anesthesia for targeted numbness during specific treatments.

Bilski’s Dental Insights