Durable – Functional – Natural

General Dental Implants

Dental implants offer a durable and reliable solution for replacing missing teeth, restoring both function and aesthetics to your smile. These implants act as artificial roots, securely anchored into the jawbone to provide a stable base for replacement teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures. Designed to mimic the strength and appearance of natural teeth, general implants improve your ability to chew and speak while maintaining the natural shape of your face.

Jaw Repair

Jaw repair is an essential aspect of dental implant procedures, especially for individuals with compromised bone structure due to injury, disease, or prolonged tooth loss.

At our practice, we specialize in reconstructing the jaw to ensure a robust foundation for implant placement, ultimately restoring the natural alignment and functionality of your mouth. Utilizing state-of-the-art techniques and materials for jaw repair, we enhance the success rate of dental implants, thereby improving both oral health and aesthetics significantly.

Doctor orthodontist-gnathologist palpates the jaw joints of the female patient
Scaffold structures created through bioprinting for the regeneration of bone tissue

Plasma Rich In Growth Factors (PRGF)

Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF) is an advanced technology that harnesses the power of your own blood to enhance healing and regeneration. PRGF represents a significant advancement in the fields of bone and soft tissue regeneration, offering a safe, efficient, and patient-friendly approach to dental surgery recovery.

Benefits of PRGF:

  • Safe and Natural Utilizes the patient’s own blood, minimizing the risk of disease transmission or rejection.

  • Accelerated Healing Speeds up the body’s natural healing processes, reducing recovery time.

  • Enhanced Bone Growth Significantly increases the predictability and speed of new bone formation, crucial for dental implants.

  • Reduced Inflammation Promotes healing with minimal immune response, leading to less swelling and discomfort.

Before & After

Bilski Dental specializes in transforming smiles, offering personalized treatments that not only enhance dental health but also boost confidence. With their expertise and modern techniques, they ensure every patient leaves with a radiant smile they can be proud of.

Before photo of teethAfter photo of teeth

Rediscover Your Confidence

Dental Implant Benefits

Opting for dental implants brings several key benefits:

  • Superior Materials Dental implants are crafted from titanium, a biocompatible material that fuses with bone, closely mimicking the natural tooth-root relationship.
  • Stability Unlike dentures, which may shift or require adhesives, implants offer a secure anchor to the jawbone, ensuring your teeth stay in place during all activities.

  • Versatility Whether you need to replace a single tooth, several teeth, or require full mouth reconstruction, dental implants provide flexible solutions that can even enhance denture stability.

  • Bone Health Preservation Dental implants stimulate and maintain jawbone health, preventing the bone deterioration common with tooth loss.

Perfect Your Smile

Sedation Options

Sedation dentistry at our clinic offers a stress-free dental experience tailored to each patient’s anxiety level and comfort needs. Our diverse sedation options include oral sedation, which uses a simple pill for ease and comfort, IV conscious sedation for a deeper sedation level with rapid onset and amnesic effects, and local anesthesia for targeted numbness during specific treatments.

All-on-4™ Implant Supported Dentures

All-on-4™ dental implants provide a comprehensive solution for those seeking a permanent replacement for missing teeth, particularly beneficial for individuals with limited bone density. This method skillfully combines the cost-effectiveness of dentures with the strength and permanence of dental implants, using just four titanium posts to secure a full arch of teeth.

Key Benefits of All-on-4™ Dental Implants:
  • Permanent Solution Shift from removable dentures to a fixed set that mimics the feel and function of natural teeth.

  • Quick Recovery Experience faster healing times compared to traditional implants, allowing a swift return to daily activities.

  • Cost-Effective Offers a more economical alternative to replacing each tooth individually with implants.

  • Minimal Bone Grafting Advanced techniques reduce, and often eliminate, the need for bone grafts, making it suitable for those with lower bone density.

  • Bone Preservation Helps maintain jawbone structure and prevent bone loss associated with missing teeth.

The Procedure:
  • Efficient Placement Four titanium posts are precisely placed in the jaw, providing a solid base for the new teeth without often needing bone grafts.

  • Immediate Results Temporary dentures are fitted during the same appointment, enhancing your smile instantly. Over the next three to six months, as the implants bond with your bone, they are replaced with a permanent set.

  • Restored Confidence All-on-4™ eliminates the concerns of missing teeth and loose dentures, offering a secure, beautiful smile that enhances your overall dental health and appearance.

Bilski’s Dental Insights